27 September 2023

PROUD partners with EURO CREATIONS to host "Canvas Your Dream Home," delivering an experience beyond living with luxury furniture at VI ARI, an ultra-luxury detached house in the heart of Ari Soi 3.

Proud Real Estate PLC collaborates with Euro Creations PLC, a market leader in importing and distributing top-tier furniture and decor brands, deeply understanding the needs of luxury residents, emphasizing the selection of unique furniture from brands like Molteni&C, Cassina, Natuzzi Italia, and more for the VI ARI project. The two partners host the "Canvas Your Dream Home" event at the Euro Creations Flagship Gallery in Thonglor, celebrating their collaboration and presenting intelligent design concepts that meet the diverse needs of residents. The event features Phusoo Liptapanlop, Executive Director of Proud Real Estate PLC, Kevin Gambir, CEO of Euro Creations PLC, and Apichart Srirajanapinyo, founder of STU/D/O Architect, who shared information about the VI ARI project, receiving a positive response from VVIP customers and attendees.

Pasu Liptapanlop, Executive Director of Proud Real Estate PLC, said, "Proud Real Estate reinforces its Luxury Brand status through the 'More Than Just Living' vision, delivering the best living experience to residents in all projects. The latest VI ARI project, a detached house on an ultra-rare item area in Ari Soi 3, collaborates with expert partners, including STU/D/O Architect for design, emphasizing sustainable architecture, efficient use of space, and convenient lifestyles. P49, experts in interior design with experience working for 5-6 star hotels, integrates this expertise seamlessly. Lastly, Euro Creations, a distributor of world-class furniture and decor brands, provides furnishings that balance design and quality for luxury living, selecting furniture and decor for the project. All four partners contribute to making the VI ARI project distinct and different, meeting the needs of luxury and super-luxury customers perfectly."

Apichart Srirajanapinyo, founder of STU/D/O Architect, stated, "The VI ARI project is designed with understanding and meticulous detail, combining architectural designs from the Ari area in the 70s-80s with a Modern Tropical style. All six VI ARI houses have green spaces on each floor and usable spaces meeting the needs of every family member, including multi-purpose areas for diverse uses, offering convenient living for residents."

Kevin Gambir, CEO of Euro Creations PLC, said, "We are delighted to work with Proud Real Estate, sharing a vision to deliver the perfect living experience to residents, with carefully selected furniture excelling in design and quality, tailored for residents' lifestyles, supported by a professional team for selection, advice, and after-sales service. Euro Creations, a leader in luxury furnishing, creates usable spaces blending users' identities and art's beauty, inspiring life and letting users be their best selves. This collaboration includes all Proud Real Estate's projects, offering a 5% discount on all furniture items to residents."

VI ARI's interior design offers P49's design packages, allowing customers to choose from three themes: Urban Oasis, Bold Elegance, and Earthy Minimal, blending with VI ARI's homes, with most furniture in natural tones, feeling luxurious yet simple in Quiet Luxury, delivering the best living experience in the city's heart.

For more information and to schedule a visit, visit ViAri website or call 02-026-8999. Visits are by appointment only.

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